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Dr. Marc Blankenship


Dr. Marc Blankenship is a Chiropractor practicing in Dallas, TX. Dr. Blankenship specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating conditions associated with the neuromusculoskeletal system, while improving each patients functionality and quality of life. Conditions treated include sciatica, neck pain, and arthritis pain, among many others. Dr. Blankenship seeks to reduce pain and discomfort through manipulation and adjustment of the spine.
6 years Experience
Dr. Marc Blankenship
  • Dallas, TX
  • Parker University
  • Accepting new patients

Can a disc hernia be cured?

Absolutely, Disc herniations are acute injuries. With proper treatments such as Spinal Decompression, Shockwave Therapy, therapeutic exercises, and proper pain management. These READ MORE
Absolutely, Disc herniations are acute injuries. With proper treatments such as Spinal Decompression, Shockwave Therapy, therapeutic exercises, and proper pain management. These discs can heal over time. Although if a herniation is bad enough, surgical intervention may be required. This in my opinion should be the last resort after trying conservative treatments first. Marc Blankenship Office: 214-363-5267

Are back posture correctors bad for you?

Yes and no. They are helpful in spurts but you should not be relying on one to hold your posture for you. Corrective exercises and adjustments are a much better solution in the READ MORE
Yes and no. They are helpful in spurts but you should not be relying on one to hold your posture for you. Corrective exercises and adjustments are a much better solution in the long run.

Can a chiropractor fix a dislocated jaw?

For a dislocated jaw, this requires medical intervention. If it were just subluxated I would say yes. Be well.

Can you correct years of bad posture?

Absolutely, Chiropractors are trained to put the body in it's natural alignment. Over time and a series of adjustments, posture can be corrected.

How many hours a day should you wear a posture corrector?

Posture correctors are meant to be worn intermittently. NOT consecutive hours. I use the ratio of 1 hour to 30 minutes. For every hour you wear it, you should take a 30 minute READ MORE
Posture correctors are meant to be worn intermittently. NOT consecutive hours. I use the ratio of 1 hour to 30 minutes. For every hour you wear it, you should take a 30 minute break. Repeat this up to 6 times a day. You do not want to rely on a posture corrector to maintain your posture. You should be encouraged to work out and strengthen the muscles that stabilize your spine.

Back Pain

When our body strains - whether it be from stomach issues, repetitive coughing, fever, etc. – our muscles will sometimes guard. This is a natural defense mechanism in our bodies READ MORE
When our body strains - whether it be from stomach issues, repetitive coughing, fever, etc. – our muscles will sometimes guard. This is a natural defense mechanism in our bodies and can sometimes lead to unwanted aches and pains.

Are backbends good for your spine?

The short answer is it depends. A healthy spine should have no problem going through normal ranges of motion. If when you bend backward it is followed by pain, immediately stop. READ MORE
The short answer is it depends. A healthy spine should have no problem going through normal ranges of motion. If when you bend backward it is followed by pain, immediately stop. Everyone has a different level of flexibility. Performing backbends on a regular basis, assuming they are pain-free, can have beneficial effects on the spine. Our joints love motion and to move. The more we do it the healthier the joints become.

What type of mattress is best for side sleepers with back pain?

In my opinion, there are two mattresses that I prefer for side sleepers. Overall performance my favorite side sleeper mattress is Puffy. These mattresses can however be very pricey READ MORE
In my opinion, there are two mattresses that I prefer for side sleepers. Overall performance my favorite side sleeper mattress is Puffy. These mattresses can however be very pricey which is why I always recommend another mattress that has more bang for your buck. The best bang for your buck mattress in my opinion is Nectar Mattresses. Hope this helps!

How do you know if you need a neck adjustment?

Most patients that need a neck adjustment to feel one of the following ways: * Pain with motion * Limited Range of motion in the neck * Sore or tightness in the neck The READ MORE
Most patients that need a neck adjustment to feel one of the following ways:
* Pain with motion
* Limited Range of motion in the neck
* Sore or tightness in the neck
The hardest part of being a Chiropractor is actually knowing when NOT to adjust. This would all be determined in a Chiropractic Examination before any type of manipulation is performed.