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Gurmukh Singh


Dr. Gurmukh Singh is a pathologist practicing in Augusta, GA. Dr. Singh is a doctor who specializes in the study of bodily fluids and tissues. As a pathologist, Dr. Singh can help your primary care doctor make a diagnosis about your medical condition. Dr. Singh may perform a tissue biopsy to determine if a patient has cancer, practice genetic testing, and complete a number of laboratory examinations. Pathologists can also perform autopsies which can determine a persons cause of death and gain information about genetic progression of a disease.
53 years Experience
Gurmukh Singh
  • Augusta, GA
  • Armed Forces Medical College
  • Accepting new patients

Are there different kinds of allergy tests to detect my son's allergies?

Screening test can be done on blood to look for IgE antibodies to common allergens.

How are prostate biopsy results given?

The main issue in the report is: is there cancer or no cancer. If there is cancer, then the amount of cancer tissue and score of cancer cells to assess the degree of danger on READ MORE
The main issue in the report is: is there cancer or no cancer. If there is cancer, then the amount of cancer tissue and score of cancer cells to assess the degree of danger on the Gleason scale. If there is no cancer, then there may be a description of other findings.

Can shoulder pain resolve itself?

It can resolve on its own, depending on the cause. You may take acetaminophen, no more than 4 grams in one day, No alcohol, If it does not resolve in a couple weeks, it would be READ MORE
It can resolve on its own, depending on the cause. You may take acetaminophen, no more than 4 grams in one day, No alcohol, If it does not resolve in a couple weeks, it would be prudent to see a doctor.

What tests show kidney levels?

Your question is not clear. There is test called "kidney level". The two important tests for kidney function are serum creatinine and urine protein level.

How long does discomfort last after a prostate biopsy?

It is usually a few days, If you have pain and/or bleeding a week after the biopsy, consult the doctor who performed the biopsy.

How long till I get a prostate biopsy results?

It is usually ready in 1-2 days.

Is kidney biopsy painful?

Yes. Any time there is damage to the tissue, it is painful. A pin prick is painful. You doctor will try to minimize the pain. Let your doctor know of your concern for pain. Each READ MORE
Yes. Any time there is damage to the tissue, it is painful. A pin prick is painful. You doctor will try to minimize the pain. Let your doctor know of your concern for pain. Each procedure has risks and benefits and the issues need to be balanced.

Can colon biopsy be done under general anesthesia?

Yes, but anesthesia is not needed for colon biopsy.