Heal Your Pain and Live a Quality Life

Lianna Hunt Chiropractor Encinitas, CA

Dr. Lianna Hunt is a Doctor of Chiropractic practicing in Encinitas and Southern California.

Pain is a sensation felt by everyone. The nervous system consists of two categories: feeling and function. The feeling aspect (or pain), on average, accounts for about 20% of the nervous system. The other 80% is function. When pain is present, this alters your consciousness and awareness of change whether that's because of adaptation, creation, or a healing process occurring. To heal your pain may take a multi-step approach. 

To start ask yourself these four questions:
  1. How did the pain first start?
  2. How long have you been feeling the pain? According to John Hopkins Medicine (1), if the pain is longer than 3 months, it’s considered chronic. At this point, it may be best to seek medical and holistic care.
  3. What has been helping? Hint: Keep doing this!
  4. What is not helping? Put these aspects into awareness to potentially stop or modify until speaking with a practitioner.

These can potentially give you insight into what steps need to be taken next. Through chiropractic and other practitioners’ care, your pain can begin the healing process.


  1. Chronic pain. (2021, August 8). Johns Hopkins Medicine, based in Baltimore, Maryland. https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/chronic-pain#:~:text=Pain%20can%20be%20acute%2C%20meaning,for%20more%20than%203%20months