Can You Eat Normally With Dental Implants?

Jared Schmitt Dentist North Palm Beach, FL

Dr. Jared Schmitt is a Dentist practicing in North Palm Beach, FL. Dr. Schmitt specializes in preventing, diagnosing, and treating diseases and conditions associated with the mouth and overall dental health. Dentists are trained to carry out such treatment as professional cleaning, restorative, prosthodontic, and endodontic... more

Tooth loss can prove disastrous to your mouth, making you lose more than just a few pearly whites. Your teeth are essential in many ways: not only for providing structure and shape to the face but also as an integral part of breaking down food! When you lose teeth, dental implants can be a great solution. 


Dental implants replace missing teeth with strong, long-lasting replacements that look and feel the most like real teeth. Dental implants bond to the jawbone and take the place of tooth roots. They stimulate the bone and keep the teeth in place. Our North Palm Beach, FL patients love that dental implants make it easier for them to eat more than anything else.



Dental implants are the most robust and long-lasting alternative to traditional tooth replacement options. They are the only type of dental repair that can replace a tooth that has been lost in its entirety. 


Dental implants are unique in that they replace not only the crown of a lost tooth but also the roots of the teeth, whereas most other procedures only replace the crown, which is the piece of the tooth that is visible above the gum line.


Implants are little screws made of titanium that are surgically inserted into the jawbone to replace missing teeth. In the weeks following treatment, the tissues of the jaw bone will fuse with the dental implants, establishing a solid anchor for the restorations that will subsequently be placed on the implants. These restorations will look and function much like natural teeth. 


Because of their superior strength and longevity, dental implants make it possible for dental restorations such as crowns, bridges, or permanent dentures to perform the same functions as natural teeth would. Patients who have had dental implants placed will have a marked increase in their oral functions, including an enhanced capacity to chew food and consume it.



Immediately following the placement of dental implants, the area around the incision may be painful and uncomfortable. Because the implants must have adequate time to heal, we advise patients to consume only liquids for a brief period and then transition to a diet consisting of foods that are either soft or pureed. 


This limitation is only in place temporarily. Patients should be able to eat all of the foods that they enjoyed previous to treatment as soon as the initial healing period is through, which normally only lasts a couple of days.


Patients will regain the ability to consume whatever food they want once all of the steps of their dental implant procedure have been finished and the restorations have been placed. 


Because dental implants will increase a patient's comfort, they will make it possible for them to eat once again foods such as nuts, apples, chips, and popcorn that were previously inaccessible because of tooth loss. The majority of therapies for tooth loss call for further maintenance and dietary restrictions to be effective over the long term. 


Dental implants are the only type of dental repair that enable patients to experience the same level of satisfaction when eating as they did when they still had all of their natural teeth.




Dental implants function in the same manner as your natural teeth and can be used to replace a single tooth or multiple teeth in a row. This treatment can be done for a variety of different reasons. But, one of the most common concerns we hear from patients is regarding the impact dental implants will have on the kind of foods they can consume after the procedure. We derive pleasure from the consumption of food, and sharing a meal with others is frequently an essential component of various forms of social interaction.


Comparatively, patients who have dental implants can preserve 90% of their chewing ability, while patients who have dentures only retain 20% of their ability to chew. In everyday language, this translates to the fact that people who have dental implants should be able to consume virtually anything that can be sliced with a knife or a fork.



When determining what foods to eat and which ones to avoid after getting dental implants, you need to give some thought to the long-term consequences of your choices because you won't be able to chew everything perfectly. 


In addition, it is important to maintain an oral hygiene routine of brushing twice a day and flossing every night because food particles are more likely to get stuck in the areas around your implants.


Foods that you should avoid include anything hard or chewy such as steak, jerky, taffy, gum, or hard candy. Your dental implant will not be able to handle the force of biting into these foods and could potentially cause damage. Crunchy foods like nuts may also cause problems because they can crack or break your implant.


In general, it's best to stick with softer foods that require less chewing effort, like cooked vegetables, mashed potatoes, cooked grains, soups, scrambled eggs, and soft fruits like applesauce and mashed bananas. Soft cheeses and fish are also good choices as they don't require a lot of chewing.


It is essential to take your time when you chew and make sure that you swallow completely before going to the next bite. This will help prevent any food particles from getting stuck in your teeth or implants, which could cause dental problems down the road. It's also essential to stay away from highly acidic foods like citrus fruits and tomatoes because this can corrode the titanium post of your implant over time.


In addition to being mindful of what you eat, it is also essential to be consistent with regular dental visits. These visits will allow your dentist to monitor the health of your implants and adjust the bite if necessary.


The health, vitality, and attractiveness of the smile can all suffer when teeth are missing. Dental implants are long-lasting restorations that can be used to replace one or more lost teeth. They perform the same functions as natural teeth. 


If you have experienced tooth loss and are interested in learning whether or not dental implants are a good option for you, then do not hesitate to get in touch with us at Seaglass Dental Care as soon as possible to schedule a consultation with us