Ivan Edwards

Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) | Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
San Antonio, TX, TX

Your loved ones know your list…

I’ll never forget the day when I received a call that impacted me greatly. It was early in the morning, and I was doing my rounds in a healthcare facility. The head nurse urgently...


Ivan Edwards

Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) | Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
San Antonio, TX, TX

In Search For a Better Way...

Pills, medicines, and more medicines. They may tame diseases, but they don’t solve the problem.  They may suppress the symptoms, but they do not address the root causes of diseases....


Ivan Edwards

Physiatrist (Physical Medicine) | Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
San Antonio, TX, TX

6 Reasons You Should Go On A Plant-Based Diet

Like we all intrinsically desire, you want to live a healthy and better life. A life well lived serves a purpose. Getting sick is undesirable; it robs your joy, peace, and purpose....