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Literotica Stories

Literotica Stories

Are there different genres of literotica?

Literotica comprises fictional and factual stories and accounts of human sexual relationships which have the power to or are intended to arouse the reader sexually. Such erotica takes the form of novels, short stories, poetry, true-life memoirs, and sex manuals. A common feature of the genre is sexual fantasies on such themes as prostitution, orgies, homosexuality, sadomasochism, and many other taboo subjects and fetishes, which may or may not be expressed in explicit language. Other common elements are satire and social criticism. Despite cultural taboos on such material, circulation of erotic literature was not seen as a major problem before the invention of printing, as the costs of producing individual manuscripts limited distribution to a very small group of readers. The invention of printing, in the 15th century, brought with it both a greater market and increasing restrictions, like censorship and legal restraints on publication on the grounds of obscenity. Because of this, much of the production of this type of material became clandestine.

Can I read and listen to literotica?

On you can read sex stories or listen to audio sex stories. Categories like erotic thoughts, short and exciting stories, and intimate thoughts are of the materials of the project "". You can get easily downloadable audio files from the blog, where you can also voice your own wishes and fantasies for a sensual audio to listen to. These erotic audio stories, available for free download, explore common desires and exhibitionism.

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Porn stories

The project does not envisage the creation of real audio books, rather the idea is born and is intended to produce short erotic audio stories for fleeting and exciting listening as a slider. Files in mp3 are compatible with any type of audio player and with any kind of device and media support, and you can always bring these sensual erotic audio stories with you.

The desire to create erotic audio products stems from the desire to play with words, not only through writing but also via spoken word. The eros read, the situations told, the words that excite, when they are heard, are loaded with a further sensuality, and between the listener and the narrator creates a sort of erotic intimacy. It's a bit like listening to secrets, or biting confidences, entering the unnamed, is the seduction of what is hiding, the malice of what is just told and you can not see. Imagination is stimulated by the emotions leaking from the voice and the cravings appear in an accent, accompanying the inevitable excitement.

The eros evokes, the sexual acts described, the orgasm narrated all by a female voice who reads and tells her stories almost shamelessly. This makes them more erotically and wonderfully obscene. This results in a narrative in precarious balance between the erotic tale and indecent story and pornography, where desires and voices excite and involve.

Situations and dreams at the limit of focus with expressions, words, phrases screams, capture the listener and unveil stories, desires and fantasies that are definitely different from those shown by a porn video or erotic photographs, and eroticism is subtle and wicked and lights up like a whispered desire to the ear.

Is literotica good for you?

Why do we like reading erotic literature so much?

First of all, literotica is exciting. What makes it more interesting is because it seems written specifically for women. Men find it interesting and are intrigued by hearing or reading what women get so turned on by. We find then what desires stimulate words when we join the eros. Reading erotic literature is getting into a personal and private dimension. In almost all of the literary works belonging to the genre, there are stories of intimate fantasies, of soul troubles, of feelings that only after being nourished in sprawling spheres are made of carnal.

And this is exactly the erotic literature that women love. This perception is understanding of the genesis of desire. It is as if, from reading and understanding the source, it is legitimate for sensual abandonment. It is the antithesis of pornography. In erotic literature the narration of sex is never end to itself, almost always is the climax, the tension to the desire that pleases. Sex is functional to the narrative and reveals, besides the secrets of the mind's desires, bodily intimacy. Characters are bare in front of the reader who is offered to look, not to read between the lines.

Often the sensuality in erotic literature is described as necessary. Intense and absolute passions and disturbances dominate the protagonists of the literature of this genre by embodying desires, feelings, and universal participation to identify with. Frequently, there are passions that overwhelm, which leave a mark and above all that fall within the ranks of that passionate love that all women, even those who deny it, dream of.

Reading erotic literature, besides getting us into the soul and the passions of the protagonists, is also very exciting. The sensual act is loaded with another character if spoken in words, it departs from the vulgarity that is sometimes perceived when eroticism contaminates other domains. The meticulous descriptions are, for sex scenes, similar to those of the desires that originated from them. Never is the sexual act itself described, almost always in the display of physical details, accompanied by the expression of emotions. Here, the pleasure becomes enriched and full of emotional dimension, and once again the reader does not perceive sex as a fine action to itself.

The peculiarities of the details, the narrative rhythm that distinguishes erotic literature, seems to be made especially for us to first enter, to wish, the passions narrated as a sort of very nice preliminary, and then to excite us with the reading of. Slow orgasms, sought-after passions, sensuality with flaws, overwhelm the reader, leaving him dreaming of fulfilling the read wishes. No other literary genre has so much influence on the reader's emotions by joining and satisfying intimate and carnal desires with the suggestion of sensual high passions. Equally exciting is writing about eroticism, abandoning the pen to the malice of desire.

Growing attention and research into erotic literature has allowed a great many authors and readers to be fond of this literary genre. The boundary between what is erotic literature and what it wants to look like is getting smaller and smaller. The risk is that everything ends up falling into the great cauldron of the worst romance for use and consumption by dissatisfied women. In fact, dissatisfaction is an accusation that many, disguised as devotees, address erotic readers.


Literotica romance

In erotic books you talk about sex and risk. They might talk about a relationship with an unknown and powerful ruler, with his own boss or with a professor. The important thing is that in the end there is a bit of love, which is a happy ending.

Vivified and tickled by the wave of the overwhelming success of The 50 Shades of Grey, the genre began, aside from consuming, to produce. The unsuspecting lady who has taken over E.L.James's novels has discovered that she can even write them. And the genre of pink literature lives a new spring.

Literotica stories

There are many couples who like to read performances before going to bed, but are few who call this practice with the right name. Declare that you want to read an amateur sex story; it is a fun practice which is also transgression, provocative and exciting, regardless of the use that you will then make your own story. Same when desires express themselves explicitly, say openly, for example, wanting to be treated like a whore without having to go through paraphrase or let impulse with gestures and more or less implicit indications, instantly triggers explosive reactions.

Certainly it must be emphasized that, in spite of languages, obviously behaviors must be adequately indecent. If direct words come out of your mouth, then you can not take it back, in fact, it's a question of linguistic coherence.

If you are looking for new words to enrich your vulgar vocabulary, just go online and watch some nice Italian porn, and for those who really want to enter the character, studying the right look and transforming into true with all the consequences of the case.

Literotica pregnant

Women during pregnancy might raise their sexual desire. It is well-known that while some women's pregnancy inhibits desire, for others instead it increases. It is one of those things that make it reflect on how varied, after all, human nature is. Women want to make love with their husbands and in this genre you can find many tips and tricks on how to make love during pregnancy.