Healthy Living

These Lifestyle Choices Can Make Crohn's Symptoms Worse

Smoking cigarettes

Those who smoke cigarettes put themselves at a higher risk of developing Crohn’s disease in their lifetime, and those who already have Crohn’s disease will experience far more severe symptoms than their counterparts who do not smoke.

Dr. Lee asserts that “smoking is strongly linked to the inflammation in Crohn’s disease.” Individuals who continue to smoke and fail to kick the habit after being diagnosed with Crohn’s disease experience significantly more frequent flare-ups, and typically require more medication and repeat surgeries than non-smokers. Researchers have determined that cigarette smoke damages protective mucus walls along the digestive tract, leaving areas of the GI tract more vulnerable to attacks from the immune system. If you are addicted to cigarettes then vape is probably better but you should stick with quality products including custom vape pen.