Healthy Living

How This Online Coupon Pioneer Adjusts to Crohn's Disease

How This Online Coupon Pioneer Adjusts to Crohn's Disease


Many people know Jordon Cox as the long-haired, money-saving Coupon Kid who likes to write blogs and make pop up videos for the website, Money Saving Expert. Lately, Jordon hasn't been posting as much, and some people might be wondering what has happened to him and his money-saving tips. Jordon has opened up about why he's taken a leave - he's got Crohn's disease.

Jordon had to take a break from blogging to take care of his body

Around June of last year, Jordon's health took a turn for the worse. Since then, it's only been on the decline, and his writing has suffered as a result. He physically couldn't get out of bed and write any blog posts or make videos. The symptoms were really terrible and he was in a lot of pain. Finally, at the end of last year, he had to sign off from working completely and get admitted to the hospital.

The holidays were a difficult time for Jordon and his family

The holiday season in Jordon's house was anything but festive. He couldn't even get out of bed, and walking to go to the bathroom was enough to make him out of breath. He could barely breathe, and he was so tired all the time. He also lost a ton of weight because he couldn't eat. The pain was just so intense, and eating would only make it that much worse.

Jordon had been diagnosed with Crohn's three years ago, but for some time, he had been able to keep the symptoms under control with some medications. However, last year, his Crohn's started to act up despite taking the same drugs. The disease is caused by your own immune system attacking your own tissues, causing inflammation of your bowels. Just doing daily things like getting out of bed to eat breakfast are suddenly unbearable for someone who suffers from Crohn's. These kinds of symptoms were what Jordon experienced for much of last year.

Complications landed him in the hospital

When the disease flared up, Jordon suffered many complications of Crohn's. He developed fistulas, strictures, and even problems that blocked the movement of his intestines. All these abnormal arrangements of his insides, which are common complications of severe Crohn's, led to more hospitalizations - and in the hospital was where he wrote about his story.

The battle continues

Unfortunately for Jordon, he's still in the thick of it all. Recently, he's had to be on a special liquid diet and needed to stop eating and drinking completely. Right now, he's being sustained through an IV drip that provides nutrients to him through a vein. The doctors have prescribed this dramatic treatment so that Jordon's intestines can take a rest and heal properly - right now they're badly inflamed.

The toughest part of recovery is the unknown. Jordon has no idea at what point he will start to feel better. Doctors are hoping that if the drugs work and the rest promotes bowel healing, Jordon can start to feel better and stronger within 2 weeks. However, no one knows for sure, and the treatment sure isn't relieving most of his symptoms. If nothing worse, they may have to take out Jordon's bowels surgically - it's a surgery called an ileostomy. This would leave Jordon with a pouch protruding from his stomach to replace his bowels.

Blogging from the hospital

To stay occupied and in better spirits, Jordon has been trying to keep himself busy in the hospital. He's been ferociously attacking Facebook for chances to win prizes and has actually succeeded in acquiring quite a few. He's getting ready to blog about this in the near future, so stay tuned!

Though the doctors have prescribed Jordon with rest and relaxation, he can't stay away from blogging despite being in the hospital. Though he's definitely not as productive with his blog writing as he usually is, he's got some good material coming out soon for his loyal fans.

He’s motivated to come back full force

Jordon doesn't know when he will be officially back on the blogging scene because he doesn't know how effective his treatment is going to be. He's keeping his fingers crossed that he will be fully back with daily blogs and videos about money-saving tips and couponing.

One thing's for sure though; Jordon is determined to come back whether it's now or later. He just needs to make sure his health is up to bar before he gets back to work, and he's making full efforts not to need to go back to the hospital again in the future.

How you can help

Any gesture to help means a lot to Jordon and other patients who suffer from Crohn's disease.

Raising awareness leads to more funds, which leads to more research. Hopefully, with better funding and scientific research, we can find a cure someday to help other people just like Jordon.

You can still read all his old blogs online

Until he comes back, Jordon hopes that people will keep on saving money using his budget-savvy tips. He's happy to help you with your money and keep that wallet as heavy as you possibly can. Happy couponing!
