Small Bowel Cancer

1 What is Small Bowel Cancer?

Cancer which occurs in the small intestine is called as small bowel cancer. The other name of small intestine is small bowel. It carries the food from stomach to large intestine.

The main function is to absorb nutrients required for daily use. The common types of small bowel cancer include:

  • adenocarcinoma,
  • sarcoma,
  • carcinoid tumors
  • and lymphoma.

Treatment options in small intestine cancer depends on the part damaged and intensity of damage caused. 

2 Symptoms

The most common signs and symptoms of short bowel cancer include:

  • General GIT disturbances:
  • Pain: Cancer pain cannot be cured by normal analgesics only powerful analgesics narcotic in origin can cure cancer pain.
  • Malabsorption: Loss of weight due to impaired process of absorptive function in small intestine.

3 Causes

There can be many causes in development of small bowel cancer. Some of them include:

  • Exposure to radiation: Radiation waves can induce mutative changes leading to development of cancer.
  • Exposure to harmful chemicals: Enteric cells have high regenerative capacity and any triggering substance which can block protein’s which inhibit cell synthesis will lead to the development of cancer in small intestine.

Some genetic factors play an important role in the development of cancer, some viruses which have the tendency to induce mutative changes by incorporating their genetic material into host cells. 

4 Making a Diagnosis

The doctor starts the diagnosis of small bowel cancer with physical examination. By noting main complaints followed by history of disease will help rule out possibilities.

Blood sample might be sent for the presence of oncoprotiens and common blood count is ordered to check the number of all blood cells, colonoscopy can be performed and a biopsy material can be obtained, this material is sent for further lab examination.

X ray images can also show the presence of cancer. 

5 Treatment

Treatment for small bowel cancer depends on the type of cancer and stage of proliferation if present.


Surgeons work to remove the part of intestine which hosts the cancer. They may just remove the section and join the cut ends of bowel. If small bowel cancer cannot be removed surgeons provide bypass for the food to easily cross the intestines without obstruction.

Other treatment methods include:

6 Prevention

Healthy and hygienic conditions must be maintained to avoid contact with microorganisms and prevent small bowel cancer.

Harmful chemical substances which have high oxidizing properties must be avoided.

Staying away from radiation. Genetic factors can’t be prevented.

7 Alternative and Homeopathic Remedies

Homeopathic remedies for small bowel cancer are never recommended over conservative therapy.

But although, some things possessing anti-cancer properties can help the process of feeling.


It has very high ant-oxidant effect which will reduce the harmful radicals moving in our body. Sour sop juice and sour tea, turmeric is known for its anti-cancer properties, Amanita muscaria.

All these things are never recommended on their own to treat cancer. 

8 Lifestyle and Coping

Lifestyle modifications are necessary in order to cope with small bowel cancer.

Eating food which can be digested easily. When someone knows about cancer it feels like a major ground shaking news.

Nut now a day’s medicine has advanced and there is no need to worry.

Coping with such disease is always challenging for patient.

Support groups are present which can help to provide emotional support and meeting people with similar situations exchanging their experiences can eventually help to cope with cancer of small intestine.

9 Risks and Complications

There are several risks and complications associated with small bowel cancer.

People working in nuclear power plants come into contact with radiation and are more predisposed to the development of cancer of small intestine.

People infected with HIV/AIDS are more predisposed to infections caused by other microorganisms and thus can lead to the development of cancer of small intestine.

Genetics is always a major risk factor and can’t be prevented.

Complications caused by cancer of small intestine are as follows:

  • Obstruction: The cancer obstructs the lumen of small intestine making it difficult for the food to pass.
  • Metastasis: A harmful yet lethal complication of cancer metastasis is spreading of cancer to different parts of body affecting a large area. Development of secondary cancer in different location. 

10 Related Clinical Trials
