
1 What is Naropin?

Brand: Naropin

Generic: Ropivacaine

Naropin is an injectable anesthetic used to cause loss of sensation and feeling before and during the process of surgery or labor and delivery.

The drug is a local anesthetic that does not make the patient lose consciousness. This prescription drug is administered only by a trained nurse or under the supervision of a doctor.

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2 What to Know Before Using

If you are about to start Naropin, speak with your doctor about what you need to know. The risks and benefits the medicine offer must be weighed.

Before using this drug, you and your doctor must consider the following:

  • Allergies: If you have any unusual reaction to any medicine, be sure to tell your doctor about it. Additionally, disclose other types of allergies - foods, preservatives, animals, or dyes, if there are any. Read the package ingredients carefully and make sure you are not allergic to any of its ingredients.
  • Pediatric: Studies on the use of this medicine are done only in adults and adolescents. No specific studies were done to determine the efficacy and adverse effects of this drug in children.
  • Geriatric While there are no specific studies done to determine the relationship between old age and the use of this drug, old age may increase the risk for side effects of using this drug. The elderly is very sensitive to the effects of this drug and usually takes much longer to recover from it.
  • Pregnancy: Animal studies show that using this drug poses no evidence of harm to the unborn fetus, nevertheless, no adequate studies were done in pregnant women to show an adverse effect.
  • Breastfeeding: Although there are no adequate studies in lactating mothers that determine potential risk in an infant when breastfeeding, the potential benefits should be weighed against the risks before taking this medication.
  • Drug Interactions: Certain medicines have adverse effects when used together. Make sure to inform your doctor about other drugs you are taking, so that alterations and precautions will be made if necessary.

    Before using ropivacaine, talk to your doctor about possible interactions if you are taking other medications. It is also important to inform your doctor if you are smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol since these may interact with the drug’s effectiveness.

  • Other Medical Problems: Inform your doctor about any other health problems you have. The use of this drug may be altered if you are suffering from other medical conditions, especially, heart disease, kidney disease or liver disease.

3 Proper Usage

To use Naropin properly, you must follow all instructions given by your doctor. Dosing generally depends on the kind of procedure you are having, your age, weight, and general physical condition.

Your doctor or anesthesiologist will determine how much ropivacaine you will require.

4 Precautions to Take

In using Naropin, you must be careful and take some precautions as advised by your doctor.

If you are going home before the effects of Naropin (loss of feeling, numbness) wear off, be very careful to avoid injury.

Serious injury can happen without you knowing it while the drug is still on its full effects.

5 Potential Side Effects

If you notice any side effects of Naropin, immediately make an appointment with your doctor.

During the course of treatment, you will be monitored closely by your doctor to check for side effects.

Most side effects will diminish as soon as the effects of the drugs wear off.
