Sincalide (Intravenous Route)

1 What is Sincalide (Intravenous Route)?

Brand: Kinevac

Generic: Sincalide

Sincalide is a diagnostic agent used in diagnosing disorders of the gallbladder and pancreas. Doctors also use Sincalide to speed up the digestion of barium contrast agents, which are used to make intestines appear more prominently in x-rays. 

Sincalide works by inducing contraction of the gallbladder, emptying it of bile. It also stimulates the pancreas to produce more enzymes, resulting in increased activity of the intestines and reduced stomach acid production. 

Sincalide makes gallbladder contract for imaging purposes. Sincalide also releases concentrated bile from the gallbladder for sampling purposes to determine the amount of bile salts, cholesterol and phospholipid levels in the bile. 

Because of its effect on the pancreas, Sincalide allows doctors to analyze pancreatic enzymes. Sincalide increases intestinal motility, so it is used by doctors to speed up passage of barium contrast agents used in x-ray imaging of the intestines to reduce radiation exposure. 

These effects of Sincalide are temporary, and everything returns to normal in an hour or two. 

Sincalide requires a prescription. It must be used only according to doctor’s instructions.

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2 What to Know Before Using

You cannot use Sincalide if you have suspected or active blockage in the intestines. Because it increases motility, Sincalide can cause intestinal rupture if there are any blockage in the digestive tract. 

Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or breastfeeding before receiving Sincalide. Sincalide is highly contraindicated late in pregnancy as it may cause miscarriage or premature labor. If you experienced allergies to Sincalide before, tell it to your doctor. You cannot use Sincalide if you are allergic to it. 

Do not breastfeed if you are taking Sincalide.

Tell the doctor all your health conditions before using Sincalide, especially if you have a history or suspected gallstones. There is a possibility that the gallbladder contraction caused by Sincalide can evacuate gallstones out of the gallbladder where it can dislodge in the common bile block and cause blockage, which can be life threatening.

3 Proper Usage

Sincalide is given by injecting into a vein (intravenous route). You can only have Sincalide in a hospital or doctor’s clinic. 

Sincalide is given just before the x-ray imaging procedure. It is injected over 30-second to 60-second intervals. If the effects remain below satisfactory, the doctor may decide to inject Sincalide for a second time. 

Because health professionals will give you Sincalide and you will only have it once, overdosing and missing a dose is very unlikely.

4 Precautions to Take

After receiving Sincalide, make sure to report any untoward symptoms to your doctor or nurse.

5 Potential Side Effects

Call your doctor if you experienced the following after receiving Sincalide:

  • Severe allergic reaction symptom such as hives, difficulty breathing, swelling of the lips, mouth, tongue or throat

You may experience these side effects after receiving Sincalide:

6 Related Clinical Trials
