OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

About pregnancy?

I took my last p2 yesterday at 8 pm and had unprotected sex at night can I get pregnant?

Female | 22 years old
Complaint duration: Days

1 Answer

I’m not certain what p2 means; is that placebo pill #2? Or Progesterone pill #2 from a Progesterone of P4 only pill pack? Either way, you are protected if you only missed 1 placebo pill as your ovaries should be adequately suppressed by being on birth control pills. The exception is patients who are placed on tri-phasic birth control pills as the doses of hormone in these ultra low pills doesn’t always suppress ovaries; I have checked patients and found NORMAL levels of hormone when they appropriate taking their birth control; this means their ovaries are not suppressed. If you are on a triphasic pill (it changes color each week of the pill pack), then ask you doctor to check your bloodwork for Estradiol and Progesterone so that you know if you are adequately suppressed or if your ovary is actually functioning at a normal level. If it is functioning at a normal level, then you need a higher dose birth control pill and a repeat set of labs to prove it is indeed shutting your ovarian hormone production down.