Addiction Medicine Specialist Questions Addiction

Abuse of Methamphetamines Daily for 30 days

Abuse of methamphetamines daily for 30 days During the first two weeks I did not eat well for days and often stayed up but no more than one night. I have a lot on a low-dose of benzo to put me to sleep. Once my body was adjusted to the drug I force myself to eat more and drink a lot of water and Powerade. During the first two weeks I experienced diarrhea every time I used Because some of it was cut with baby laxative. The past two weeks I have reduced my used to two times a day but have not had a bowel movement not even diarrhea my stomach is bloated and I have no urge to go to the bathroom. I went to the doctor and she gave me a stimulant laxative which I used and it did not work. I’m also suffering from a complicated UTI from abusing this drug. I am on Bactrim. I have been taking it for several days because the symptoms came back. I know I’m drinking enough water but I’m constantly thirsty which is a side effect of Meth use. I have slowly introduced fiber and started walking around the house more often. Honestly for three weeks I did not move from one spot went under the influence of meth only to go to the bathroom. He did not give me energy. Been on Wellbutrin for about a week. And I’m trying to taper off of the methamphetamine. I only used once yesterday. My stomach is severely bloated. I don’t have any abdominal pain and gases passing through especially since I took a laxative. I had this happen to me before when I was abusing opiates but I did that for several months. I believe I have chronic constipation and a complicated UTI. Which I believe can go hand-in-hand. I am not working due to my mental health because of meth and I’m trying to get better I would like to detox from home. Any suggestions on what can help with the constipation I need instant relief and is it OK to take another dose of a stimulant laxative that the doctor prescribed if it didn’t work on the first day. I don’t think I have a Fecal impaction. I just have no desire to go to the bathroom. I haven’t urinating several times a day and it’s pale yellow. I know anti-depressants and antibiotics cause constipation. When I was recovering from opiate addiction it took several days worth of different laxative to go to the bathroom but that was a severe addiction. Should I go to the emergency room or give it a few more days taking the prescribed amount of laxatives from my doctor. I told her my symptoms and she didn’t seem concerned. But I know meth and feta means from the street are dangerous and made with poison. I am trying my best not to use. Any suggestions on relief of my constipation. Could I have And under line condition causing this. We’re still waiting on the urine results from my doctor. Thank you.

Female | 39 years old
Complaint duration: 2 weeks
Medications: Well Buterin methamphetamines Bactrim And occasional Xanax
Conditions: Constipation

1 Answer

Stop all drugs street or prescription that cause constipation. Drink half your body weight in ounces of water and a fiber rich diet.