OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Am I protected?

I was on the pill and I went to my yearly gyno checkup and she said since I was on my active pills she could give me a depo shot which is my new form of birth control. Am I protected already since I was on active pills and got the shot that same day?

Female | 21 years old

5 Answers

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Yes. With depo the protection begins in 2 week
You should finish your pill pack! Don’t count on the Depo taking effect for 2-3 weeks!

Michael Nethers, MD
Yes you are protected. But let me be one of the only healthcare providers that is willing to tell you that the synthetic Progesterone in your new shot comes with an 8% increase in heart attack, 8% increase in stroke and 10% increase in breast cancer as well as an increase in appetite, increase in acne and significant increase in depression with increased incidence of needing medication. Provera or medroxyprogesterone acetate is the reason that the Women’s Health Initiative was called early and then stopped: it is a terrible chemical to put into the body and it contributes to multiple women’s health issues not to mention it causes infertility in women who take it. My suggestion is to restart your birth control pill once you have reached the end of your 3month timeframe and not get a 2nd Depo Provera shot. I also do not recommend the long acting reproductive contraceptives of LARC’s or what was formerly called IUD’s if they contain hormone; there are 2 types of LARC or IUD units: Mirena contains a Testosterone-like Progesterone and is associated with abnormal periods, spotting, PMS and acne so I do not recommend this IUD. The Paraguard IUD is made of copper and it protects women from pregnancy without disturbing your hormone production; it does not cause acne or PMS but can be associated with increased abnormal periods.