Dermatologist Questions Dermapathologist

Any way to resolve the skin tag or wart on my eyelid?

Hello, I tried to use at-home cryotherapy to remove a skin tag in my eyelid and it has made the issue worse. I now have a red bump scaring and it seems larger than before. Please help!

Male | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 14 days
Conditions: Scarring abs bump

4 Answers

We can do in office evaluation to determine if the skin tag or wart can be removed or if it would need to be referred out. If you don't have an Ophthalmologist we would love to help you with your concerns.
Get an ophthalmologist to easily and painlessly remove them.

J. David Karlin, MD
I recommend that you see a dermatologist or ophthalmologist that can treat this growth safely.
Why did you do what amounts to a minor surgical procedure on your eyelid? Now you need to see an Oculoplastic eyelid specialist to try to repair what you did.