Dental Hygienist Questions Dentures

Are implant-fixed dentures long-lasting?

I want to get implant fixed dentures. Are implant-fixed dentures long-lasting?

3 Answers

Implant-fixed dentures can be very long lasting, however, it is important to mention that just because you have dental implants instead of real teeth, it does not mean you should avoid routine dental visits your dentist specified recall interval. Dental implants do have the potential to fail, though rare, as a result of poor maintenance and neglect to keep the area clean under the gums.
Hello, Thank you so much for your question. Implant fixed dentures can be long lasting but they still require maintenance. You would need to brush and clean the dentures daily and have the implants and dentures cleaned every 3 months at our office or with a general dentist and new dentures remade every 5- 7 years. Thank you
An implant-fixed denture can last a lifetime as long as the implants stay healthy. A tooth has a ligament that is live tissue that has antibacterial properties that tries to defend from bacteria. An implant is metal and does not have a ligament. Therefore, it does not defend itself from bacteria. So it is imperative to keep implants extra clean so they don't fail. Once the implant is imbedded in bone, it is part of the jaw. If you continue to keep the implant healthy and clean, implants can last a lifetime.