Sports Medicine Specialist Questions Arm Pain

Arm and wrist

I broke my right arm back in seventh grade and it's healed but I'm still having problems or trouble with my arm and wrist. The pain is burning throbbing and shooting

Male | 20 years old
Complaint duration: Months
Medications: Cymbalta invega risperidone
Conditions: N/A

5 Answers

You may have reflex sympathetic dystrophy - recommend nerve sturdy
Burning, throbbing and shooting pain MAY indicate nerve pain. It would be a good idea to get this checked out.
Hello, I'm sorry to hear about your discomfort with your arm and wrist and would love to help you. Given how long you've been dealing with this issue, I recommend obtaining radiographs so that we properly assess any obvious abnormalities, and also to facilitate smart conversations moving forward.
This could be due to a combination of different things. Most likely is either a pinched nerve in the neck, the shoulder, or the elbow. I would recommend going to a good physical therapist, one that does manual therapy, dry needling, Graston, etc, and have them evaluate you and
try to correct the issue. If not improving, then get imaging, ideally an MRI.
Hi. Your wrist more than likely has healed by now and without any deformity. Shooting pain can mean a pinched nerve is occurring at some point between the neck and where it ends in the arm. I would recommend you consult with an orthopedic surgeon near you to have it investigated.