Dermatologist Questions Dermapathologist

Bug bite or rash identification?

3 days ago after working on brush removal I noticed some small reddish pinpricks or dots on my shoulders. Although I was wearing long sleeves, I thought perhaps it was from handling cedar and getting poked by the needles. I showered soon after. Later that evening I noticed red bumps forming around these dots and it itched slightly. The next day I woke up with my shoulders, back, and torso covered in red bumps that were very itchy. The following day the spots were still itchy and looked like blisters or pimples. I am assuming these are either bug bites or a rash from some plant but I want to be sure it isn't anything contagious as I have two small children who like to crawl all over me. Can you identify the cause of my itchy spots?

Female | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 3 days
Medications: Birth control, vitamins, claritin
Conditions: None

1 Answer

Hi patient, This is called an cedar tree rash also known as the" Christmas tree rash" or" Pityriasis rosea."This can be treated at an dermatology clinic or your PCP. I do recommend that you book an appointment with me or any other dermatologist or your PCP for treatment.
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