Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Bulged right eye?

I have had a bulged right eye for 2+ years. I have headaches in and around the eye. I've been to an opthalmologist had my thyroid tested, and had an MRI. Everything is normal except my protruding eye. No family history of bulging eyes either. So, what is causing my eye to bulge? I also have an undiagnosed movement disorder that I take Parkinson's medications for.

Female | 50 years old
Complaint duration: 2yesrs
Medications: Generic sinemet cr, pramipexole, zonisamide, quieterapine fumerate
Conditions: Movement disorder

4 Answers

 It was the right thing to see your ophthalmologist to check for orbital cellulitis and to have your thyroid levels measured for TED. I’m glad you had an MRI which would have been my suggestion. Did they do both a non-contrast as well as a contrast-enhanced orbital MRI? Further testing could be a non-contrast CT of your orbital area under the care of your medical doctor to check for cavernous hemangioma. Thank you for the question. I hope you discover a diagnosis.
It should be possible to make a diagnosis. Get another opinion from an Oculoplastic/Orbit ophthalmic specialist.
A complete ophthalmologic exam should be performed to determine the cause of your symptoms.
In general, you can have normal thyroid function with Graves’ disease this is the most. Likely the etiology of the bulging eye.