Family Medicine Questions Family Practitioner

Bump under nipple in male?

I have a bump under my nipple that hurts. I know it is due to hormonal changes during puberty but it has been here for about 2 years now. I have had some before and they have gone away but this one hasn’t. Will it eventually go away or should I talk to my doctor and consider getting surgery to remove it? I know it is most likely not harmful but I don’t feel comfortable being shirtless around anyone and I am tired of that. I sometimes don’t even want to go swimming because of it even though I would love to otherwise. I am 16 years old about to be 17 in May.

Male | 16 years old
Complaint duration: 2 years
Medications: None
Conditions: None

5 Answers

Based on your age and the length of time for the bump under your nipple, I highly recommend you see your doctor to find out what it really is in order to get proper management.
Take care.
Breast bud development in males during puberty is really common. It is caused by hormonal changes of puberty and usually goes away in about 2 years. So, you are well within the range of normal on this. I understand that it might be upsetting and you can certainly talk to your pediatrician about it, but I would discourage anything surgical as it should resolve on its own.
Make sure you aren't taking any steroids or too much of anything that might have estrogen like effects like soy milk or tofu.
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These are common because you’re going through puberty. All boys get them. I wouldn’t have surgery on it. With time, they will go away. Feel better.
Let your doctor have a look at it - most likely one would just continue to watch and wait, but get it looked at anyway.
Please see your doctor and have this evaluated.