Dentist Questions Dentist

Can I brush my teeth after dental implants?

I am a 38 year old male. I want to know can I brush my teeth after dental implants?

7 Answers

Ok this question has two parts. The day or few days following implant placement, you have to be very careful of the surgical site or sites. You do not want to brush these areas and will be put on a antibacterial rinse.
Once the implants and healed and restored, by all means you will be brushing and flossing these areas. You will treat them like your own teeth!
Yes. Just be careful around where implants were placed and get advice from the dentist that placed them.
There are different types of implants and different types of restorations on them. Your dentist should be happy to go over all the different ways you can keep your mouth clean, including tooth brush and tooth brush heads. I am also a big fan of softpicks and flossing, among others

Jon Engel
After 48 hours.
If you just had your dental implants done, Dr. Mobasser does not recommend brushing the area for a week minimum, depending on the extent of surgery, but keep it clean by rinsing with warm salt water gently so no food particles go into the wound and disturb healing, hence causing discomfort and possibly dry socket. For more information on dental implants and what to do, click here: