Dentist Questions Dentist

Can I get a crown without a root canal?

I am a 37 year old male. I want to know if I can get a crown without a root canal?

5 Answers

Yes, of course you can.
Many teeth get crowns without having a root canal. A crown is designed to replace and restore missing tooth structure and can be used to reshape or reposition the crown (the part of the tooth that shows in the mouth) of a tooth. Most commonly, teeth that have had a root canal need to have crowns, but all teeth that have crowns do not necessarily need a root canal.
A porcelain crown is indicated to restore the full circumference of your tooth, any knowledgeable dentist will let you know if a root canal is necessary prior to dental crown procedure. You can do a crown without root canal if the nerve is healthy, so you can get a crown without root canal unless the nerve is infected! For more information on dental crowns, click here: