Dentist Questions Dentist

Can I most likely wait a week before going to the doctor?

I had a horrible toothache a couple days ago that spread to my right sinus area. Now the tooth feels largely fine, if a bit swollen, but my sinus is hurting and swollen. I'm taking a decongestant and ibuprofen, but I wanted to know if my self diagnosis of "sinus infection" was likely. Health Insurance doesn't kick in until next week, so I'm trying to wait this out. Likely caused by food particles stuck in teeth.

Female | 26 years old
Complaint duration: 2 days
Conditions: 2 lingering baby teeth that make it difficult to remove food in those areas

4 Answers

I would not wait. If there is an infection present, you need to address it ASAP. 
It is hard to diagnose without taking an X-ray. I would recommend getting an exam done with a dentist ASAP.
No. You should go to the Dr and not put it off. If you had an infected finger you would go to the Dr, but since it’s a tooth and it stopped hurting, but is swollen now, well most likely it’s an infected (can’t be 100%, but sounds like it) and diagnosis should not be put off.
Waiting only makes things worse. Toothaches come and go because your body is responding to the inflammation. But when you leave it alone and you don’t treat it there are many things that are going on that worsen the situation greatly. Can you wait? Sure, it’s your body you can do what you feel is best. Would I wait? Absolutely not. Just treat your body like you love it.

Dr. Jensen