Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Can acupuncture help with hip pain?

I have hip pain. Can acupuncture help with hip pain?

12 Answers

Yes. It may take time to help with your hip pain issue. Acupuncture with massage and herbs can relieve your hip pain gradually.
Yes. I encourage you to book a session with your practitioner of choice to get help with relief.
Yes, acupuncture is effective at helping to alleviate pain anywhere in the body.
Yes, acupuncture can be very effective for hip pain. It is important to receive a thorough consultation to find the root cause so that your practitioner can develop an appropriate treatment plan for you.
Acupuncture can help with most hip pain. It may take several treatments to get relief and unless it's an acute condition without any underlying damage, continued treatments may be useful to maintain relief. Give it a try!
Yes yes
Acupuncture can effectively treat any type of pain, including hip pain. Of course, if the problem is bone-on-bone or you need a hip replacement, you may only get temporary relief from the treatments, but check with a practitioner near you to see if they can help you.
Yes, acupuncture can help with hip pain.
Sometimes, if no real tissue damage.
Do you know why you're experiencing hip pain? There can be a variety of issues in play - some of these things acupuncture can help and some it cannot.

If you have mild to moderate osteoarthritis of the hip, imbalance in the hip flexors/extensors, mild labral tear, bursitis, pinched nerve in the low back, piriformis syndrome, or something else along these lines, yes, acupuncture can probably help.

if you have severe osteoarthritis with loss of cartilage and bone spurs, severe labral tear, or some other issue where most MDs are suggesting surgery, acupuncture can probably help to manage your pain while you wait for your surgical date.

If you have avascular necrosis of the hip or severe lower spine degradation with leg weakness, loss of bowel/urination control, or numb and tingling in the ano-genital area, no, acupuncture is not appropriate at all and you need an immediate neurological or orthopedic consult.