Chiropractor Questions Ankle pain

After running, my ankles get a shooting pain. Can a chiropractor help?

I am a runner and every time I get back from a run, I get a shooting pain in my ankles. Can a chiropractic adjustment help with this?

20 Answers

Most of the time, yes.
A chiropractor may be able to give you some temporary relief, but until you stop running, I'm going to guess that this problem will persist and worsen. You may need nutritional support targeting bones, joints, and ligaments. Pain usually indicates injury. You need to have it checked out. A good chiropractor will ask a lot of questions, do a thorough examination, and make recommendations including dietary supplements to help support bones, ligaments, and joints, and give you alternative exercises. I never recommend running as an exercise.
Yes. Chiropractic adjustment to your back and ankles can help. You may also need to be fitted with custom orthotics.
Possibly. But I would recommend you see a professional to diagnose what is causing the pain. Shooting pain in both ankles concerns me more than if it was only in 1 ankle.
With your stated mechanism of pain, a possibility may be joint dysfunction in the ankle, that may cause the shooting pain. A through chiropractic examination of your foot and ankle can rule that in and chiropractors have multiple treatment options that would be appropriate.
It could help. An examination of your feet and ankles may find a biomechanical reason for the pain. If so, biomechanical improvement through manipulation, mobilization, proper exercises and maybe supportive orthotics may be helpful.

Take care and be well.
Dr. Eric Miller

Absolutely. We would have to evaluate you first obviously to make sure that it is musculoskeletal related and once the exact cause of your shooting pain is found and any other possible cause ruled out, it would be able to be treated by chiropractic adjustments, muscle work, and therapeutic exercises. I, myself, also use applied kinesiology and Cranio Sacral Therapy, which is another possible way to help.

Running is extremely hard on the spine, especially the low back because there is a lot of compression applied to your low back when you run (compared to less compressive sports like biking or swimming), so you need to get checked regularly and get wellness adjustments once your pain is gone. This way it will keep your spine open and stable even when you do run often.

Home exercises, strengthening, and stretching to do at home will help keep your body in its optimal state.

Hope this helps,

Dr. Jessica Grichy, DC
Yes. I would also consult a Podiatrist to assess your feet.
Chiropractor can help with many conditions of the spine, and other joint problems of the Upper and lower extremities. Consult a chiropractor to see if pain from your ankle after running is a joint dysfunction problem.
An adjustment along with muscle work can absolutely help.
High probability. Many Chiropractors do extremity work. If your ankle pain is related to the misalignment of your ankle bio mechanics or even your lower back you may find relief with chiropractic adjustments
It is possible, but an exam in needed. Why are you getting these pains? It's "after" you run, not under the impact of the step? Is it both ankles?
Chiropractic can help you to run better, farther, and smoother by alignment of the spine, pelvis, knees, ankles, feet, and arch. All of these should be checked. Call your chiropractor for an evaluation!
Most definitely! It would be a great place to start and may even be able to address additional muscle imbalances.
If there is a pelvic misalignment or a knee misalignment, it can cause ankle problems. In answer to your question, yes!!!

Mark Klezmer, DC, CCSP, CCST, FIAMA
It is likely not coming from a spinal, but a foot problem, although, that is also usually something a chiropractor could help with. A thorough history and an exam would be required to determine the cause of the pain.
Depends on an exam and X-Rays
Yes! They likely can! You may have some restrictions. They can also provide you with strengthening.


Dr. Caitlin Zietz, B.Sc., D.C.
Depending on where specifically you are experiencing the pain in your ankle, it could be one of three things. More than likely it’s your Achilles’ tendon, which is inflamed from the run or your ankle is out of place. There are chiropractic adjustments that can be performed on the ankle to help mobilize any stuck or misaligned bones. This in turn can free up the strain on the tendon, but there are plenty of soft tissue mobilization techniques that can also help!
That really depends on the cause of the symptoms which sounds like it's probably due to the running itself. Someone would have to physically see where the symptoms are and also ask a few more questions from you to get an accurate idea. I would think a Chiropractor would be a great first step towards remedying your symptoms, yes.