Family Practitioner | Obesity Medicine Questions Psychiatry

Can obesity be treated mentally?

I am obese and want to fix it. Can obesity be treated mentally?

1 Answer

Yes and no. The mental part of why we eat for reasons other than nutrition can be treated mentally. Many of us use food as a coping mechanism or we are seeking pleasure. There are some foods that stimulate the same receptors in the brain that opiates and dopamine do; namely sugar and certain carbohydrates. With that said, there is also a physiological cause and effect depending on our biological programming on our body's engine type. Meaning, does my body burn fuel/energy like an old Buick, or does my body burn fuel/energy like a Prius and we go 50 miles and only burn a gallon. My body, for example, burns like a Prius making it impossible to exercise off bad eating. In addition, I seek pleasure through food which sets me up for a tough combination. I have found that the best place to start is working with a good bariatric physician as I have found that mental therapy alone tends to have a less than satisfactory outcome. To find a bariatric physician in your area, go to:
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