Psychiatrist Questions Psychiatrist

Can panic attacks be treated?

I have panic attacks. Can panic attacks be treated?

3 Answers

Panic attacks stem from anxiety disorders. Medications help to reduce instances of 'panic episodes.' These types of medications are called benzodiazapines, SSRI and SNRI antidepressants assist with this. I highly recommend meditation, yoga, or other physical activities like creative exploration such as coloring, drawing, painting along with deep therapeutic breathing techniques when such panic episodes occur providing the episodes are not life-threatening or inhibiting the person's abilities to do such activities. Especially, if the panic episodes are isolated then can it be easier to implement said recommendations. It is helpful to implement a daily behavioral routine to give the patient's environment some sense of predictability that one can control such as their level of happiness in it with activities such as meditation, yoga, painting, drawing, having peppermint tea with a friend can be very calming as well. Many people stop drinking, alcohol, caffeine, smoking (cannabis and tobacco) and find that it helps as well because these agents can further anxiety. Hope this helps.

Wishing you well,

Dr Ryan Koryciak
The answer to your question is yes. I hope this answers your question