Dentist Questions Dentist

Can you fight a tooth infection without antibiotics?

I am a 64 year old female. I want to know can you fight a tooth infection without antibiotics?

4 Answers

You can up to a point. There are a few natural supplements that can fight infections such as Quercetin, Vit C, oregano etc But if it gets out of hand I would not hesitate to use an antibiotic
The answer is not that straightforward, and I will explain to you why. Tooth infections are typically caused by extensive cavities that enable bacteria to reach the pulp (nerve and blood vessels located in the center of the tooth). The source of infection needs to be removed (if the tooth is restorable meaning having enough tooth structure remaining to be able to restore the tooth, the tooth will get root canal therapy) or the infected tooth needs to be extracted. Then, the patient's immune system can fight the bacteria. The immune system has a better chance of fighting with the help of antibiotic. If a patient is immunocompromised (having systemic diseases that weakens the immune system), the pt. has less chance of success in fighting the infection.
Sometimes you can depending on the infection and the dental treatment that you receive.
It depends. If you have an infection in the gum called an abscess it may be treated with deep cleaning under local anesthesia. If it’s inside the tooth a root canal is necessary and may require antibiotics to completely eliminate all bacteria. It’s best to seek the advice of your dentist for the appropriate treatment.