Acupuncturist Questions Acupuncturist

Can you help with chronic headaches?

I have chronic headaches. Can you help with chronic headaches?

14 Answers

Yes. Acupuncture works well for headache.
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There are multiple causes for "headaches", first thing that we nee to do is to determine what is the pattern that can help you the best. To do so, you need to set an appointment with your acupuncturist.
Yes Acupuncture is a great option for chronic headaches.
Yes absolutely.
Yes, acupuncture can help with chronic headaches.
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Yes, ear reflexology can help. Before you visit a specialist, identify what the term chronic means for you. It can be once a month for three days of it can be every day when you work and not on holidays.

The therapist should be able to trigger points that will help you feel pain free.
Yes acupuncture can treat chronic headaches.
If your headaches are chronic, you will need multiple sessions per week for a period of time. Then you can decrease sessions to once a week once it is under control. You need a private consultation to discuss your chronic headaches issue.
Usually, yes. Acupuncture can be an excellent treatment choice for chronic headaches.