Neurologist Questions Neurologist

Can you live a normal life with a brain aneurysm?

I was diagnosed with a brain aneurysm. Can you live a normal life with a brain aneurysm?

2 Answers

Yes you can. You need to however be aware of risk factors for brain aneurysm rupture and optimize those.
Yes. You can live a normal life with a brain aneurysm… until it ruptures. Depending on the size and shape of your aneurysm, the risk of rupturing may be incredibly small, or it may be significant. If it ruptures, there is a very high chance of permanent neurologic deficits or death. The goal is to treat it before it ruptures. You need to discuss your options with an interventional neuroradiologist or a neurosurgeon. Repeating your imaging every year may be your best option, but without knowing anything about the size, shape, and location of your aneurysm, I can’t say for sure. If you elect to watch it instead of treating it, don’t smoke, and keep your blood pressure controlled. Of course you should do those whether you have an aneurysm or not.