Hematologist (Blood Specialist) Questions Hematologist

Can you take too much B12?

At my last lab work done was told I was a little anemic. In conversation, was told it could be a deficiency in B12. After considering that, I purchased oral B12 5000mg and started taking it. After taking it 3-days in a row was wondering if you can take too much B12.

Female | 66 years old

4 Answers

Vitamin B 12 ia a water soluble vitamin, it is generally safe. There is no upper intake level. It has low toxicity. Doses of 1,000 mcg aren't necessary even though they aren't harmful. Again, Vitamin B12 is not harmful the body will spell them in urine. But there is no need to take an excessive amount of it. The body will absolve what's needed and stop absorbing it. The Vitamins that you have to be more careful are ADEK (Bit. A, D, E, K). Thank you.
You cannot take too much vitamin B12, but if you are deficient in B12 you may need to take it by injections. Talk to the doctor who ordered the lab tests. S/he can get a B12 level test.
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B12 deficiency (which is very uncommon) is only ONE of a long list of why your are anemic. B12 is toxic in high doses taken by mouth; individuals don't need a lot. The underlying diagnosis of you "anemia" must be made by your personal physician.
Ask your doctor if this is appropriate and what would be the recommended dose for this supplement. I would have suggested B12 testing before purchasing this. Lots of other things, that are more common, can make one anemic.