Hospitalist Questions Hospitalist

Car accident knee question?

Towards the end of March, I was involved in a car accident as a passenger and had my legs crossed as the car pulled out in front causing us to T Bone her. My front knee went through the glovebox, and completely broke it. Our car was totaled and ever since then, I can’t put a lot of pressure on that knee.

Female | 18 years old
Complaint duration: 04/01/2022
Medications: None
Conditions: None

4 Answers

There can be a bone bruise. It also my be that you have a pelvic misalignment causing an issue. There can also be Trauma still held in the area that is not allowing the body to release from the impact trauma.
I assume you are talking about a patella fracture? Have you been to an Orthopaedic surgeon? Physical therapy? Was surgery required?? You need to see an Orthopedic surgeon and follow his instructions. It is impossible for me to answer your question without the above information. If you are still having enough problems that you can "put pressure" on it, then an Orthopaedic surgeon needs to examine you. Hope it helps!!

Good morning
Please go seek medical care and physical therapy for your condition. We can
not give any advise without seeing your injury and it is a med legal case
Thank you.
You need a Dr trained in this type of injury as this sound like a
medico-legal case
Dr Homer Wall- Cell 303-229-5374