Cardiologist Questions Cardiology

Chest Pain

It’s hard to explain but my chest hurts, but it’s not just my chest, it’s my back right between my shoulder blades. This happens a lot and I’m starting to think it’s not normal… sitting hurts but laying down makes it worse, I try to relax and I’m in tears, what could cause this?

Female | 16 years old
Complaint duration: A few months
Medications: None
Conditions: N/A

2 Answers

Most like your pain is due to muscle , bone and or nerve issues rather than heart disease. Patients of your age group and sex are at a very low risk for beware disease that causes pain.
A thorough history and physical exam would be the first step to get you an answer. It may also require additional testing. The best person to ask this question would be your family doctor, please consult your primary care physician.