OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions OB-GYN

Childbirth ability?

I started masturbating when I was 13 years old. I used to masturbate twice or thrice a day for 2 to 3 years continuously. After that, I used to masturbate for 1 to 2 month for few days. Now I am 20 years old. Will I have any problem with my childbirth ability?

Male | 20 years old

3 Answers

No, not due to masturbating.
Hi, your fertility will not be affected by your previous history. Men produce new sperm essentially continuously, unlike women, who are born with all the eggs they will ever have. Previous loss of sperm will not affect your production of new sperm in the future. There are other things that might decrease your sperm count, for example hydroceles or injury, some medications and other health issues, and some men have a naturally low sperm count, but your masturbation history will not cause a problem.
Thanks  for your question.Essentially I'm an Ob/Gyn specialist and my demographic patients are females. I'll actually prefer a physician who specializes in male reproductive health address your concerns. But from my perview, you should not have any difficulty having children. I' ve no literature cite to that specify "masturbatory actions" impairs males ability to procreation.That is the brief answer I would give to you. My final advise is to meet with your PCP or Urologist to give you a more definite answer. I hope this was helpful.