Gastroenterologist Questions Gastroenterologist

Constipation bad blockage?

About a month ago I fell and hit my side now I do not know if it has to do with anything. But after that I realized I was constipated I've been able to have bowl movements in tiny pebbles at a time but none larger than the end of my finger I have tried laxatives and juice. I can feel the bowl pushing up against my spine it's hard for me to eat anything because of how backed up I am it's very uncomfortable at all times I sit on the toilet for hours trying to push my bowl out but I can't get it to come down to have the movement. I just got over the covid. I can feel the blockage. What can I do?

Male | 33 years old
Medications: None
Conditions: Constipation

1 Answer

Try a combination of stimulant laxatives like Dulcolax + purgative laxatives like Miralax. Take each twice a day every day to get the bowels moving. Extra fiber daily (e.g. Citrucel) would be helpful too. If this does not help then see a GI doctor for possible prescription laxatives.