Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Degnerative Disk Disease & Fibromyalgia??

Hi there! I'm only 39, but they found my cervical spine to be riddled with facet osteoarthritis, narrowing, bone spurs etc... I also have a herniated disk in my C6/C7 levels. You name it it's in there. Even uncovertebral arthrosis as well as facet osteoarthritis.

There is also single flair white matter in my brain on the frontal right lobe.

My pain includes:
intense fatigue
trouble being able to walk
pain that spreads from my arms down to the legs
decreased parotid gland function -- (related to the DDD?)

is the proper term for that cervical splondylosis??

Also I keep getting diagnosed with Fibromyalgia but I've been treated for fibro before and my pain still remains. My old rheumatologist is insistent that this caused the fibromyalgia but refuses to send me for the FM/A test to see if I have the anti-bodies.

Is everything correlated in some way? Because I also have hypoparathyroidism (supposedly rare) and my calcium is insanely low.

Female | 39 years old
Complaint duration: 2 YEARS
Medications: celebrex
Conditions: degenerative disk disease, fibromyalgia (supposedly) parotid malfunction

7 Answers

You need extensive care, everything from metabolic detoxification protocols to lymphatic drainage. Along w nutritional supplements as well

I'm sorry to hear about your pain. Based on my experience Non-Surgical Decompression therapy "Traction therapy" would be best for your case.
Degenerative disc desease is challenging, if you are not happy with your doctor find another for a second opinion. You disease is better treatment with medical doctors instead of chiropractors.
Yes everything is connected. If you work on dampening the Fibromyalgia the overall pain and fatigue will improve. Find someone who specializes in functional medicine for the Fibromyalgia.
Sorry to hear that! Go to a chiropractor, it will help most likely a lot! Pain down arms and legs is not a good sign. This is radicular pain. Chiro adjustments can help with herniation, ask about decompression too and will probably get rid of radicular pain. Use ice on neck and low back 20 min on and one hour off until you see Chiropractor. Do not put heat on pain, heat will attract more inflammation and make it worse, just feels better but the ice will put out your fires!!! Good luck.
Best to be evaluated by a chiropractor to assess and determine proper care.
First off, I am so sorry to hear that you have been dealing with such pain for so long. I know it can be incredibly frustrating to not have answers or to see any pain relief after such a diagnosis. Degenerative disc disease and arthritis of the spine can certainly cause all sorts of issues and pain. However, I would have to do an in-person examination to be able to fully answer your questions. If you are in Colorado, I would love to see you in my clinic so that I may hopefully be able to provide you the answers and pain relief that you deserve.