Emergency Physician Questions Emergency Physician

Direct contact with a rat and a finger cut?

I touched trash inside a garbage can where a rat was hiding with my hands then that rat also jumped up and touched my hands. I found out that I also have a cut on my hand. I am not sure if that was caused by the rat. Am I going to be ok?

Male | 30 years old
Complaint duration: 1 day

3 Answers


It is difficult to tell from a picture whether this is a rat bite. More importantly is to wash the site immediately and to monitor for rat-bite fever. You can find the guidelines by looking up RAT-BITE FEVER UNDER THE CDC (center for disease control). Most importantly is to make sure you get rid of any further rats or varmint in your home that could spread further disease to you or your family.
Take care.
Thanks for your question. 
It is important to check with a physician if a TETANUS SHOT is recommended, having in mind the circumstances of the incident. If I were in similar situation, I'd take the shot as a precaution.
I do hope you will follow my advice.
Good luck and stay safe!  
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Thanks for the question.
Since you don't know this isn't a bite, you will need to consider rabies and tetanus vaccines. Wash the site with soap and water and apply triple antibiotic as well. Please contact your doctor.