Orthodontist Questions Orthodontist

Do braces move your teeth every day?

I am a 19 year old male. I want to know if braces move your teeth every day?

5 Answers

Teeth are moving as long as a force is being applied. Once there is no longer force braces can act as a retailer just holding everything in place
For a period of time after each adjustment the teeth will move every day. This may be from 1-8 weeks depending on the type of wire and the size of the adjustment

Yes, braces move your teeth in an incremental and constant fashion. Invisalign moves your teeth in "stages" and in a cyclical fashion.

Dr. Colin Gibson

Yes it's a continuous work in force throughout your projected treatment time.

There may be times when all teeth are moving each day and other times when only select teeth are moving and the other teeth act as anchors without moving. It also depends on the type of appliance and how each patient cooperates with instructions. You should see changes within one or two months.