Pediatrician Questions Vitamin C

Do children need to take vitamin C

My son seems to get every cold and flu that goes around. Should I be giving him vitamin C? Will this actually help him?

3 Answers

Well nourished children usually do not have trace elements deficiency. But if you want to try vitamin C? then it is OK. It is water soluble vitamin. I do not know whether it will help or not but it should not hurt.
Unfortunately, studies do not support the use of vitamin C supplement to prevent cold and flu symptoms. However, there are some studies that indicate that supplement with vitamin C can shorten the duration of the cold.
Vitamin C is essential to our immune function and it is abundant in citric fruits, kiwi, strawberries, bell peppers, broccoli and Brussel sprouts.
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Vitamin C can help immune support. If he is in daycare and below 2 years of age they tend to get more colds but are less likely to get these at school age. If he has had serious illness like recurrent pneumonia he needs his immunity checked