Dentist Questions Dentist

Do fillings in molars hurt?

I will get a molar filling. Do fillings in molars hurt?

6 Answers

It depends!! Each tooth, each patient and type of filling material can play a factor! The deeper and wider the filling, the greater chance for postoperative pain. If the dentist uses adequate water spray, and doesn’t overheat the tooth, protects the dentin from acid enchant, rinses and doesn’t desiccate the tooth it will help prevent post op pain or sensitivity! However, remember it is normal to have some post op pain and sensitivity with most dental procedures! It’s the price we pay for eating too much sugar!
NO ,fillings anywhere should not hurt.
As usual, it all depends. If it is a deep and extensive filling, the nerve (pulp) of the tooth may be irritated by the process of removing the decay and placing the filling. Odds are it will be a bonded, tooth-colored filling which can also irritate the tooth at times, due to the chemicals involved in the bonding process. But that type of filling is the best technique today, since it strengthens the tooth from within and seals it quite well- not to mention that it matches the tooth shade. If it is deep enough to require local anesthesia, there is a possibility that the tooth may be tender for only a few days, and can sometimes be more sensitive to cold temperatures and hard biting pressure. But it usually nothing to worry about, and your dentist can explain what to expect based on the findings at the appointment. Other than your anticipation and concern, it should be a piece of cake with all the new materials and techniques.

Dr. Conrad
Typically molar fillings do not cause pain. Almost always the tooth is numb while being treated and after the numbness has left the tooth should feel perfectly normal again.
Fillings in any teeth should not hurt. If you have discomfort, call the dentist. If the filling hits too hard when you bite, it would become uncomfortable. That is an easy fix.
With proper anesthesia no fillings hurt