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Do zirconia crowns look better than porcelain?

I want to get zirconia crowns. Do zirconia crowns look better than porcelain?

4 Answers

it depends on the lab both should resemble real teeth in ceneral Zirconia is stronger
Honestly, It depends on which laboratory fabricates the crowns. There are are esthetic laboratories that focus on great looking life like restorations. Make sure your dentist picks the right lab for you wants. Be aware it may cost you more.
Zirconia is a type of porcelain. The main 3 types of porcelain crowns are zirconia, emax, and feldspathic (traditional porcelain). Those are also the order of strength from highest to lowest and the reverse order of their aesthetics as well. They are each used in different circumstances, also patient and care dependent.
Originally, zirconia looked very opaque. Their technology has improved to the point that they look almost, if not, as good as porcelain. For back teeth, however, zirconia has the strength that is needed to stand up to the pressures of chewing, and the tooth doesn't need to be cut down quite as much as for a porcelain to metal crown.