Chiropractor Questions Chiropractor

Does massage help kyphosis?

I have kyphosis. Does massage help kyphosis?

5 Answers

Hello, this is a great question. Unfortunately no, massage does not help with kyphosis but it can make you feel better for a while. It depends on the kind of kyphosis you have whether you can change it. Try doing yoga and do a lot of inverted poses. Changing posture takes time. It might take a year or two with diligent persistence
Yes. Massage can help alleviate the pain of kyphosis.
Massage will not help correct kyphosis, but can feel good by loosening the muscles along the spine that are often tight.
It can be if you have postural kyphosis. Thank you for your time! ]
It may help with the muscle tightness associated with kyphosis, not necessarily the curve of the spine.