Plastic Surgeon Questions Plastic Surgeon

Does the double chin removal work?

I am a 28 year old female. I want to know if the double chin removal works?

7 Answers

Absolutely ! Evaluation in person by a qualified plastic surgeon will determine which procedure is right for you. If you would like to set up a virtual consultation to further discuss, please direct message me on Instagram @DrDaddyK
It can, depending on what the treatment strategy will be, non-surgical versus surgical. The primary non-surgical option would be injections of Kybella (deoxycholic acid), which dissolves fats with the chemical your body uses to digest food (bile acids). A good surgical option could be liposuction alone, or it may require both liposuction and direct removal through a formal neck lift. It all depends on your individual anatomy. At age 28, however, I would recommend less invasive options before steering you to something more invasive like a neck lift, which I usually recommend for much older patients. Hope this helps! Always seek the advice of an appropriately trained physician, such as a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, for your facial aesthetic goals.
Please consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to evaluate your chin and discuss your options.

If it done correctly, yes it works. Double chin in a young person indicates a small mandible. A form of chin and angle augmentation of the mandible with fat or advancement of the chin with genioplasty is necessary. Tightening the muscle with central platysmaplasty and liposuction will reshape the neck and give a more defined neck.

Dr. George Varkarakis MD
Plastic Surgeon
Miami, FL
There are several ways to get rid of or improve the double chin appearance. Surgical procedures such as lipoaspiration work well. Kybella injections may solve the problem if skin quality is good. Coolsculpt can improve as well.
Liposuction is the permanent removal of fat cells. It is a wonderful procedure to correct a double chin or fullness along the jawline in the younger patient with good skin tone. Men can often have this procedure even later in life due to the thicker male skin. Patients who have loose skin, as well as fullness, may be a better candidates for a Facelift. Facial Liposuction is a routine part of a Face Lift procedure for many patients.