OB-GYN (Obstetrician-Gynecologist) Questions Bacterial Infections

For which kind of infections is the medication Doxycycline recommended?

My sister has been recommended the medication Doxycycline for treating vaginal infections. Does it work for all types of infections or only certain forms of bacterial infections? Please advice whether is a safe drug and what are the side effects associated with this drug?

8 Answers

It is a broad-spectrum drug that covers many things. Your sister should talk to her doctor.
Difficult to know without knowing what symptoms she was having or what her provider is thinking is the problem, but to answer your question as best I can...

Doxycycline is most commonly used to treat suspected cases of Chlamydia or Gonorrhea, but that is not the only use. Can also be used if suspicious of pelvic infection (uterus, tubes). Could also be used to treat any skin type of infection of the outer vulval skin, although generally not the first choice of antibiotic for that. Could sometimes be used to treat possible bacterial infections of the vagina when not responding to other antibiotics, but again would have to know what her provider was thinking. Could also sometimes be used if provider thought she might have a chronic low grade infection of the uterine lining (AKA chronic endometritis). Hope that helps some.
Before prescribing Tetracycline for a “Vaginal” infection the Diagnosis of “Vaginal” infection must be verified by a Gynecologist
Dr. Di
Doxycycline, Vibramycin brand name, can be given for infections of the cervix, which is in the vagina. Also, glands like the Bartholin’s gland, is slightly in the vagina, and if infected may respond to Doxycycline. Infections of the cervix that may respond to Doxycycline include gonorrhea and chlamydia. Vaginal infections caused by bacteria generally respond to different antibiotics like Flagyl, generic name Metronidazole.
Doxy is usually used to treat pelvic infection and not "vaginal" infections. Get what your doctor is specifically treating to know the when, where and how of the treatment plan.
It is indicated for some vaginal bacterial infections. It is safe if not pregnant. Your sister should speak to her physician to go over the risks and benefits.
Can be used for gram-positive bacteria and chlamydia infection.