Gastroenterology & Hepatology Questions Hepatologist

Elevated liver enzymes ast and alt?

My ultrasound came back normal and my inflammation blood work and all was fine except my liver enzymes ast and alt elevated. I’m not obese as I just also had a baby 2.5 months ago and the doctor had no idea what it is my cholesterol overall went up due to pregnancy 200 is total and bad 125. I don’t eat fried foods haven’t ever and hardly eat any red meat at all and hep B and C were negative 3 months ago.

Female | 35 years old
Complaint duration: Few months
Medications: Adderall, Xanax and morphine
Conditions: Anxiety disorder high cholesterol

1 Answer

There are many reasons that the liver enzymes might be elevated. To figure out why, we start by looking at the actual values, the relative increase of each and the trend in the elevation. Your complete medical history and physical exam are also needed. Once we have a suspicion for why the enzymes are high, we can provide advice or further testing as needed. I cannot determine the cause without a lot more information. If the numbers stay elevated then you will need to see a GI or liver specialist.