Ophthalmologist Questions Ophthalmologist

Eye infection?

My eye has become infected and it is oozing pus very watery and it hurts bad and is very sensitive to light and very red.

Female | 33 years old
Complaint duration: 01/29/2022

8 Answers

You need to be seen as soon as possible
1. You need an antibiotic eye drop or ointment. Please see an EyeMD or your PCP for a prescription.
2. In the interim of seeing an eye care professional, you can rinse your eyes out regularly with an artificial tear drop or saline eye rinse.
3. Also, keep your lids and lashes clean with a drop of no-tears baby shampoo mixed with sterile water or a saline solution. Clean the lids and lashes with a q-tip or cotton ball. You may also do the same in the shower with your eyes closed.
See your eye specialist , u need an rx
A complete ophthalmologic exam should be performed to determine the cause of your symptoms.
You need to get your eyes examined by an eye doctor. Do not do any home remedies.
It sounds like you should see an Ophthalmologist urgently for evaluation.
I suggest you get examined by a local ophthalmologist within a day.
It's likely to be purulent bacterial conjunctivitis. Frequent washing under running water and topical antibiotic eye drops are needed. See your doctor. If you have pain in your lymph nodes nearby, you will need oral antibiotics too.