Urologist Questions Urologist

Eyes red From masturbation?

I have been masturbating for 8 months, almost 3 days every day. One day, suddenly, my eyes got red. Is this because of too much masturbation? When I stopped for 2 days, the pain was completely gone, and there was less red in my eyes.

Male | 20 years old
Complaint duration: 1 month
Medications: none
Conditions: none

4 Answers

Did you get any semen in your eyes?
My son is a urologist and does not know of this association. However, any strenuous activity can cause a subconjuctival hemorrhage (blood on the ocular surface). These resolve spontaneously and do not cause vision loss.
Well, something is making your eyes red. You might want to reduce the frequency to no more than once per day. In the meantime, go outside, get some exercise, eat healthy food, and drink enough water. Find a sport that you enjoy, like tennis or mountain biking.
No relationship between the two. You probably had an eye infection or irritation.