Dentist Questions Dentist

Food stuck in wisdom teeth?

I got my wisdom teeth extracted in December. I used the syringe to wash out the holes to avoid dry sockets. I eat now and food gets stuck. Each night, I take my finger and gently remove the food. Is this normal? Is there a tool I could get to remove the food particles? I use a regular toothbrush in the mornings. I use an electric toothbrush at night. I floss and use mouthwash each night.

Female | 32 years old

2 Answers

You can use the same syringe that you use after the surgery to flush the food out of the socket, but gently, do not force the water jet in there, you may disturb the soft tissue at the bottom of the socket. The way it healed is from bottom up, so by now your socket is lining with a layer of soft gum tissue, gradually it will fill up the hole. Good luck.
It can take two or three months in some cases for the area to completely remodel and fill in the depression left. Rinsing is a good strategy . A water pik, set at a low setting should help with this also