Cardiologist Questions Cardiologist

Heart attack, stroke, or both?

A few years ago I had an episode that really terrified me. I had just woken up and tremendous pressure was on my chest and a searing pain - the worst I've ever felt - occurred. Then the pain jumped from my chest to my head - the pressure left my chest. The pain was a very sharp pain in my head, frontal but close to the top of my head. It then went away. I got up, went to stand in the doorway of the next-door bedroom, and then I couldn't talk because all the muscles on the left side of my face and neck had seized up. They continued for a few minutes, but then also stopped. However, after that occurrence, every time I bent my head down, the muscles would seize up again, painfully so sometimes. I also developed a dark brown spot in my left eye in the pupil area that I could see often.

I was overweight at the time, was suffering from Autoimmune Thyroiditis, and had just lost a dear friend about a month before. Plus I was in the first term of grad school. I also had HTN. In a couple of months prior to this event, I remember a couple of small occurrences of a tiny tic/seizure of the muscles in my neck and almost like a tiny mini dizzy spell. They only lasted a few seconds and then went away. It took about 2 years for my face and neck muscles to fully recover and not try to seize when I bend my head down. I've had a very small occurrence once when I was quite tired and fatigued after physical exertion. It took about 5 years for the blood spot (what I've come to call the spot in my left eye) to finally resolve and go away.

Currently, I no longer have Autoimmune Thyroiditis, but I have developed symptoms of Diabetes. I was diagnosed with Type 2, but based on the symptoms I have, I think it is closer to the Type 1.5 I've read about. I have symptoms of both. I've lost 70 pounds since the event and totally without trying to. I've lost muscle mass also. Covid 19 did a real long-term number on me. Now my symptoms are much worse than before. My blood sugar is very resistant to dropping, even when I eat low carb (somewhere between Paleo and Keto, but closer to Keto). I've recently started to add more EVOO to my diet. I was taking in about 3 tsp of VCO daily, but have since stopped. I have also stopped eating fried foods except for the occasional egg or a little bacon. I keep my salt content relatively low also. I actually now feel it in my hands (have had surgery for carpal tunnel years ago - shortly before being diagnosed with thyroid dz). They get all puffy the next morning if I have too much. Same thing with sugar. And my blood sugar goes pretty high, too, but I don't pass out. Only from grains and carbs does that happen. I have found it is next to impossible to cut out all simple carbs so I just seriously limit them to maybe a little extra once per week or so. I use totally natural sweeteners, not sugar, not artificial sweeteners either. I stay away from grains most of the time. Oats in oatmeal are about the only ones that don't send me on a downhill spiral.

If I eat gluten/wheat products, one time doesn't seem to bother me, except I may be a little more tired than usual the next day. But more than that, I start to feel bad for 3-4 days, and when I eat even moderate carbs, I must have enough protein and fat, too, or within 30 minutes I get really sleepy and pass out for like a 30-45 minutes or so. When I wake up, it feels like I was in a very deep sleep and I have a bit of a hangover feeling. My feet are partially numb, my fingers and toes get cold easily and it takes a while for them to heat up. Stress doesn't cause them to do that, though, only temps below 60 F, touching cold things, getting chilled (which I do easily in my apartment). My short-term memory ebbs and flows. Sometimes it's ok, sometimes not. My Long term memory has been affected now, too. I used to have such a sharp memory, now I forget stuff. I am slow, so very slow - to do anything. I regularly have mini-wakes where I switch positions in bed and fall back asleep nightly. Also, a few months back I developed a whooshing sound behind my left ear that was intermittent. Now it's switched to behind my right ear and it goes on all the time. It is really annoying, and a bit terrifying as I'm afraid it may be a bruit and could lead to another stroke and this time does far more damage.

Also, I can't make my feet move fast enough sometimes or pick them up high enough when I walk and I trip and fall. Stairs are a real danger for me. I've fallen down a flight or two at least on 3 separate occasions. Once I badly twisted and bruised my ankle and couldn't walk without crutches/special boot for 2 weeks.

I also lose nouns. Names of people and things. It started when I was in my late 20s and has gradually gotten worse. Some weeks after my initial contraction of covid I developed this thing where my head felt blank inside at times. Over time it improved, but I think I still have gaps in my memory.

Ok. Here's my question(s). NO one has been able to truly help me out. I just get a pat diagnosis and was sent on my way with a bunch of pills. I don't want that. I want to know what is wrong with me.

I know I have an autoimmune disease. Probably diabetes (I was diagnosed with Type II at least). Possibly also of my liver (was diagnosed with NAFLD about 4 years ago when I was much heavier) and Reynaud's (only really since covid). I've not seen a doctor in a couple of years so I cannot be sure. I've had a lot of weird and unrelated things happen to my body, and many times they come and then they go, some are staying longer now, though. There are many things that I've not even mentioned. I would sound like a hypochondriac if I did - which I am not. I'm just very observant. And I do my best to take care of each weird thing, but these days it's getting exhausting to do so. I'm so tired. I just want some relief. I want to get better, to get well. I don't want to live my life out on drugs that just mask the symptoms or make matters worse.

I also want to know what happened to me on that day of what I call a heart and brain attack. The doctor I had at the time disagreed with me, but he didn't have any real explanation for it either. And he was better than most doctors I've seen. This is a very long and somewhat convoluted post, and for that, I apologize. If someone is brave enough to take me on, I will willingly work with you on trying to find an answer - to a point. I will NOT take pharmaceuticals unless there is absolutely no other way to help me. I mean that, so don't even bother offering if that is what you do.

I want to find a natural solution. I believe there is one out there somewhere - I just haven't found it yet. If you have one, then please get in touch with me.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I hope you have a wonderful evening.

Female | 52 years old
Complaint duration: 6 years +
Medications: vitamins and minerals
Conditions: diabetes(possibly autoimmune), NAFLD, Hashimoto's disease (no longer have signs or sx), long-haul sx of covid-19, reynaud's (? - undiagnosed)

1 Answer

All right. Holistic approaches can be very beneficial. Eating just right: whole vegetables and fruits; healthy liquids only; egg whites; and most importantly: organic fruit and vegetable powders that are loaded with Polyphenols. One scoop four times daily.

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