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Help my braces brack just came off in my sleep?

It’s hanging on the wire and I have no clue what to do, my ortho is closed until next week. It's still intact just not on the tooth.

Female | 15 years old

6 Answers

You will be okay. If it is too worrisome, you may be able to remove the small elastic attached to the bracket t to disengage it. If it is not creating much of a problem, leave it alone until you can get to your dentist.
Maybe your GP dentist could reposition the wire for you.
This is a common occurrence. It is okay to wait until next week. You can leave it alone and let it slide around. If it is attacked to the big wire by a rubber band, you can get someone to slide something under the rubber band to disconnect it.

Drew Shulman, DMD, MAGD
Go to your regular dentist or the orthodontist who is covering for your orthodontist. They can help you out. It is a simple repair.
If possible, cut the end of the wire off with side cutter pliers or nail trimmer and go see your dentist this week.
One option is to call your Family Dentist as they can probably stabilize the situation until your Orthodontist re-open. Alternatively, your Orthodontist may have an alternate or backup number to call for emergency situations on their voicemail message.

In the short-term, you can purchase Orthodontic was at most pharmacies and you can use the was to cover any sharp exposed portions of your braces bracket or arch wire.